Sunday, May 29, 2005

Moving On...

I've really enjoyed teaching out of Revelation in Families of Faith for the last eight weeks, but I think that I've spent way too much time in this book lately, and its time for me to move on.

I love coming back to The Revelation every 5 years or so and discovering how much different it looks - not because the text has changed, but because I have. And I suspect that if I come back to it in 2010, its going to have even more depth and richness than it did this time around.

BUT... in the end, I'm not a "Revelation guy" in the sense that I'm totally wrapped up in discovering the mysteries of this one book, to the exclusion of all others. There are too many other things that are written in scripture that are calling me, especially right now.

This summer, I'm going to spend a lot of time trying to understand what the "kingdom of God" is. Frankly - and I've written about this before - I'm amazed at how little anyone seems to talk about it, when it seems to be of such importance in scripture. It seems that kingdom language has been replaced by church chat in the vocabularity of our faith.

I want to think of my spirituality in "kingdom" terms rather than "churchy" terms, and I hope that some of that focus will come out my time in the Word this summer.


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