Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Generous Orthodoxy and the End Times

Planet Preterist is running this interview of Brian McClaren, who is rapidly becoming one of my favorite authors, on the subject of the whole "end times" debate. I especially love Brian's concluding thoughts:

That would probably be my advice to those seeking "a new kind of Preterism." Don't get stuck in small arguments about details, as important as arguments and details may be; step back and catch the big picture of the whole Biblical story - and try to convey the beauty that you see. The good news is truly good, and our world truly needs it!

There is a beautiful story being told in scripture about where God is taking mankind and, ultimately, all of creation. Like Brian, I am more interested in finding ways to get people "into" that story than I am in proving that a particular "end times" view is correct or not.

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Blogger Matt said...

I like what Laura and Blues are both saying here: First, we need a relationship with God, not a system for dealing with God. Talk about "end times" stuff tends often to degenerate into a debate over the best "system" that describes what God will do. But, God will do what he's going to do. Why not just live in a trusting relationship with him?

I do think, however, as McLaren points out that it IS worthwhile to think about the "end" of God's story and where that story is heading (at least, insofar as scripture is showing us) - its a wonderful, marvelous ending. We find ourselves in the middle of that story, and the ending may give us some clues about where we are going and about how we can start living out the realities of that ending even in the here and now.

2:32 PM  

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